Spring is here, at least nominally, and there are the dark times. So perhaps the equestrian history blog may be required to do some cheering up

So here we go: the French National Library contains this work by maestro Louis Vallet Le chic à cheval : histoire pittoresque de l'équitation (1891) . - horse history in France with some additional topics and themes -
and here there are some of the plates for enjoyment and perhaps sketch-studies - nota bene the hand of this master of equestrian art is fantastic and his presentations are cheerful, expertly done and just beautiful - I think.

more at the website - enjoy

perhaps my only complaint is that there are no Polish uhlans and Polish themes, but the 1890s were the time when France and Russian empire were very good friends, and Poland was partitioned between the German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Tsarist Russia..
fast forward to 1918 and Poland was restored, and in 1920 Polish armies 'pogromily' (utterly defeated ) Red Army of the Bolshevik regime. this Ausgust there will be the 100th anniversary of the famous battles of Warszawa, Komarow and Niemen etc.
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