Sunday, January 26, 2020

White Bull, Miniconjou Lakota warrior - book

Salvete Omnes,
just a little news
I finally received the Bison Book edition of the Ledger Book of Chief Joseph White Bull (1849-1947) - eg the NPS Little Bighorn Battlefield entry devoted to the great warrior and storyteller (unfortunately a very small photo of our chief). The 1968 edition, published by the University of Nebraska Press , also appears to have been available on Amazon etc.

Pte San Hunka  or White Bull, a nephew of Sitting Bull,  had a very long life, adding Joseph to his name  during the reservation life. During the 1932 his stories were told in the series of interviews to a historian and writer Stanley Vestal (nota bene Oklahoma Historical Society entry on the author is easy and quite informative and has a photo of Stanley Vestal with White Bull), then who worked them over a bit (or so they say) and in 1948 published White Bull's  lifestory in a book titled Warpath : the true story of the fighting Sioux told in a biography of Chief White Bull , that you can borrow the later edition from Archive, upon registration etc.

So I am looking forward to read this autobiography,  meantime you can read the Stanley Vestal's article from 1957- The Man Who Killed Custer - at the American Heritage website.
this event - meeting between general Miles and Sitting Bull - was described by White Bull in his recollections.


the photo of various 'Big men' of the Lakota just for illustration purposes

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