Sunday, November 6, 2022

Chertomlyk gorytos & scabbard revisted

 Salvete Omnes

long time ago, Internt time long, I posted this entry - including  some articles and one drawing-rendering {I can now do a better work on this rendering) from the scabbard found along with the gorytos at the Chertomlyk kurgan.

so a little update - I noticed a couple days ago that someone posted much better photo of the gorytos and scabbard from Chertomlyk - nowadays at the Azov Museum


and the Scythians or rather non-Greek warriors from the scabbard - including one with a long spear on horse and one wielding a sagaris ax or a battle ax.

combat with a spear wearing a Median coat- kantus

a Scythian bowman with a sword?

the whole beautiful tandem


ps and do vote this Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022 - these midterm elections are awfully important !!!



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