Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Infort Editions with my illustrations

 Salvete Omnes,

the end of this unhappy and strange year is very near, so some not so new 'heads up:'

so, in terms of some of the digital work I have been making, this well known Polish publisher Infort Editions published recently several books with my artwork on their covers (more to come 2021, God willing)

the first illustration was done about two years ago - it purports to show a Crimean Tatar horseman - for a cover of their magazine De RE Militari - 1/2020(5)

the second book is a new edition of the XIX century work by a Polish historian Wiktor Czermak on the Czarniecki's expedition to the Danish Kingdom during the Deluge.

I created the two-rider image for the cover and the famous commander Stefan Czarniecki for the inside of the cover etc.

 They were done earlier this passing year.

all done digitally with Krita, GIMP, Mypaint and Wacom Cintiq :) on my Linux Ubuntu machine.


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