gloomy November is all around us, in the Northern Hemisphere, so to enliven the atmosphere I will add some photos from my trip to Pan Jacek at his birch horseranch in Boska Wola, southern Mazowsze.
I met pan Jacek and his lovely linguist wife, for the first time in person, and during that short October afternoon visit we talked horses and politics, while sampling excellent mint tea from their garden and enjoying warm afternoon, with horses grazing in their birch-covered grasslands :).
Here are the horses - a stallion and his dames along with offsprings. Stallion was awfully relaxed for a stud, while little filly and two colts were playful but already trained
The horses did not pay much attention to us, just grazed away, also enjoying the warm sunlight, unusual for late October in central Poland.
One sad news - I just learned that great French artists and military horse painter maitre Eugene Leliepvre passed away yesterday, - pacem aeternam, maestro!
there are plenty of his images on the web, just a sample:
Maestro's own website
some work here
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