Since they were posted I have been immensely enjoying the great quality of the pictures taken by the hussars portal team ( those of the Klushino and Chocim victories) drawing ideas float around.
This morning, after some exercise in the park while walking my son's dog ;) , I had decided to play a little 'joke' and I painted in a rather pensively looking nobleman standing in front of the battle of Chocim /Khotyn 1673 painting with future king Jan III Sobieski - then grand hetman - looking on ( wikipedia ) .
Our Polish-Lithuanian glory belongs to the past - as in a Latin saying Sic transit gloria mundi - and our nobleman may be reflecting on it.
Hope this little 'desecration' of this artwork will not offend any traditionalists surfing out there the world wide web :) .
I want to welcome two newest followers of my blog: Julia and Michal-Kadrinazi, his blog is a marvel of sources, information and erudite analysis on the XVII century (17th ) warfare (but it is in Polish only ).
Equestrian Polish, Eurasian and the Americas history and horsemanship - from Bronze Age to circa1939AD. Historical equestrian art, my own artwork; reconstructions, and some traditional art media and digital artwork-related topics. All rights reserved unless permitted by 'Dariusz caballeros' aka DarioTW, copyleft or fair use.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Kluszyn 1610, Klushino, Битва при Клушине
Hussaria portal posted amazing new and detailed pictures of the Polish XVII (17th) century canvas by Szymon Boguszewicz- painted to the orders of Grand Hetman Stanislaw Zolkiewski - depicting the famous battle of Klushino . The painting itself is located in the Roman Catholic Church in Olesko (now Ukraine) and dedicated people from the hussaria portal went there and took pictures of this miltiary history masterpiece.
The detailed individual photos of this huge painting can be viewed and observed on the hussaria portal .
God willing, I am going to make detailed drawings of the hussar companions, kozak lighter cavalry, and battled flags; and also the opposing Muscovite-Western mercenary army soldiers.
See for example this fragment where hussar banner is charging the fence and mercenary regiments behind that famous obstacle:
Great many thanks
small woarking sketch showing jumping the Klushino field fence
Hussaria portal posted amazing new and detailed pictures of the Polish XVII (17th) century canvas by Szymon Boguszewicz- painted to the orders of Grand Hetman Stanislaw Zolkiewski - depicting the famous battle of Klushino . The painting itself is located in the Roman Catholic Church in Olesko (now Ukraine) and dedicated people from the hussaria portal went there and took pictures of this miltiary history masterpiece.
The detailed individual photos of this huge painting can be viewed and observed on the hussaria portal .
God willing, I am going to make detailed drawings of the hussar companions, kozak lighter cavalry, and battled flags; and also the opposing Muscovite-Western mercenary army soldiers.
See for example this fragment where hussar banner is charging the fence and mercenary regiments behind that famous obstacle:
Great many thanks
small woarking sketch showing jumping the Klushino field fence
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Chaco & Patagonia horse tack - visit to the American Museum of Natural History
We often visit the American Museum of Natural History. my son loves it and I share his admiration for this museum.
I often scout its exhibits of the horse related material culture objects, and my searches are quite fruitful at times - :).
This time I found, in the section on the South American tribal peoples, two intersting objects. They come from the nomadic tribes of the two great horse areas of South America - Gran Chaco and Patagonia .
The objects at hand - spurs - belong to two distinctive Native American tribal groups that became horse riders after horses had come into their domains with the European invaders - Qom-lik (Toba) and Tehuelches (nice jaquimas), both were very fierce warriors and horse riders. Here an intersting photograph of Tehuelche women and some text on them In this extract from THE CONDOR'S FEATHER (due July), Thia Beresford comments on the Tehuelche Indian girl who travels with them on their expedition:
‘Her heart is as deep and silent as the pampas,’ Thia said. ‘It is as though she is in tune with the vast countryside around her. A kind of innate animism which native people posses, which we civilized people seem to have lost.’
William had no answer. There was certainly something about this Indian woman which he could not explain. Without meaning or intention, she attracted him like a pin to a magnet, yet she hardly ever spoke, showed little expression, even conserved her gestures to essential movements. She was as tall as a longbow and moved like a willow in the breeze. Was as strong as any man he knew and slightly taller than he. She was not beautiful by English standards with her plucked eyebrows and painted skin, but she had the elongated face and forehead of the high priestesses he had seen engraved on the walls of the ancient temples in Cairo. Now he wished he had drawn her portrait as he could never replicate it accurately. Yet her face was engrained in his mind and he knew he would never forget it. ( source )
Anyway, I find these spurs very interesting and quite ingenious. I have some more photos and depiction of their tack and I will post it soon.
I do intend to write more and draw more about the South American natives and their relationship with horses, both in war and peace. I am very interested in the so called caballo criollo, and in this article - - there is a very interesting image of a Tehuelche woman with her typical horse tack on a very interesting horse - the very horse is described :
"El caballo Criollo
Esta fotografía tomada en 1899 no sólo es rica por cuanto describe las formas de la equitación indígena femenina, sino que también nos habla del biotipo del caballo ahí ensillado. Para Carlos R. Dowdall -autor entre otras obras de "Criollo el caballo del país" -, este animal es algo más liviano, de grupa derribada, convexilíneo de tipo oriental. Dowdall explicará que años más tarde se buscó un caballo más pesado, el que fuera identificado bajo la denominación de biotipo "europeo". . " More on it in the future.
By the way, more on the vaquero, horse, and his horse tack will be coming as well, especially the various Argentinian saddles etc. IN this photo the most famous long distance horses Gato and Mancha
I often scout its exhibits of the horse related material culture objects, and my searches are quite fruitful at times - :).
This time I found, in the section on the South American tribal peoples, two intersting objects. They come from the nomadic tribes of the two great horse areas of South America - Gran Chaco and Patagonia .
The objects at hand - spurs - belong to two distinctive Native American tribal groups that became horse riders after horses had come into their domains with the European invaders - Qom-lik (Toba) and Tehuelches (nice jaquimas), both were very fierce warriors and horse riders. Here an intersting photograph of Tehuelche women and some text on them In this extract from THE CONDOR'S FEATHER (due July), Thia Beresford comments on the Tehuelche Indian girl who travels with them on their expedition:
‘Her heart is as deep and silent as the pampas,’ Thia said. ‘It is as though she is in tune with the vast countryside around her. A kind of innate animism which native people posses, which we civilized people seem to have lost.’
William had no answer. There was certainly something about this Indian woman which he could not explain. Without meaning or intention, she attracted him like a pin to a magnet, yet she hardly ever spoke, showed little expression, even conserved her gestures to essential movements. She was as tall as a longbow and moved like a willow in the breeze. Was as strong as any man he knew and slightly taller than he. She was not beautiful by English standards with her plucked eyebrows and painted skin, but she had the elongated face and forehead of the high priestesses he had seen engraved on the walls of the ancient temples in Cairo. Now he wished he had drawn her portrait as he could never replicate it accurately. Yet her face was engrained in his mind and he knew he would never forget it. ( source )
Anyway, I find these spurs very interesting and quite ingenious. I have some more photos and depiction of their tack and I will post it soon.
I do intend to write more and draw more about the South American natives and their relationship with horses, both in war and peace. I am very interested in the so called caballo criollo, and in this article - - there is a very interesting image of a Tehuelche woman with her typical horse tack on a very interesting horse - the very horse is described :
"El caballo Criollo
Esta fotografía tomada en 1899 no sólo es rica por cuanto describe las formas de la equitación indígena femenina, sino que también nos habla del biotipo del caballo ahí ensillado. Para Carlos R. Dowdall -autor entre otras obras de "Criollo el caballo del país" -, este animal es algo más liviano, de grupa derribada, convexilíneo de tipo oriental. Dowdall explicará que años más tarde se buscó un caballo más pesado, el que fuera identificado bajo la denominación de biotipo "europeo". . " More on it in the future.
By the way, more on the vaquero, horse, and his horse tack will be coming as well, especially the various Argentinian saddles etc. IN this photo the most famous long distance horses Gato and Mancha
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wounded Gaul
Several years ago I did a number of illustrations for a book on the battle of Philippi
Amongst many drawings and paintings I did this particular of a one wounded Celtic warrior on his equally grievously wounded horse.
I did it somewhat in a comics(cartoon, bande dessinée) style.
Next shall be a horseman of Iberia of the same battle - :)
Several years ago I did a number of illustrations for a book on the battle of Philippi
Amongst many drawings and paintings I did this particular of a one wounded Celtic warrior on his equally grievously wounded horse.
I did it somewhat in a comics(cartoon, bande dessinée) style.
Next shall be a horseman of Iberia of the same battle - :)
ancient horse tack,
digital painting,
Gallic warrior,
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
horse photos for reference in drawing and painting
I would like to start a new series of entries related to drawing and painting ( and sculpting ) horses, my most favorite animal on this planet, the most gorgeous creation of Mother Nature. century In the XVIII Old Poland's savvy Sarmatian writers wrote about the horse that: well anyone can see it as it is - so need to write about it (Kon - kazdy widzi jaki jest) but nowadays it is not so easy to even see a real horse when going outside the city. So I hope these photos will help many a net traveler :)
let us start with heads, these are all North American horses:
I would like to start a new series of entries related to drawing and painting ( and sculpting ) horses, my most favorite animal on this planet, the most gorgeous creation of Mother Nature. century In the XVIII Old Poland's savvy Sarmatian writers wrote about the horse that: well anyone can see it as it is - so need to write about it (Kon - kazdy widzi jaki jest) but nowadays it is not so easy to even see a real horse when going outside the city. So I hope these photos will help many a net traveler :)
let us start with heads, these are all North American horses:
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Roman officer I century BC
A little sketch of a Roman officer from around the battle of Philippi of a sort seen in the HBO series ROME.
I used a cartoon filter to give it a little different appearance .. GIMP Paint Studio of a sort seen in the HBO series ROME.
I used a cartoon filter to give it a little different appearance .. GIMP Paint Studio
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Poland's tragedy
our Polish President and his wife Maria, former President Kaczorowski, their closest associates, senators and Seym representatives, priests, and highest members of Polish Armed forces (the darkest day for Poland's military since the battle of Batoh and Katyń Massacre) , and my personal heroine Anna Walentynowicz, 96 people in total, perished in an airplane catastrophe outside Old Rus, Duchy of Lithuania, Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Russian Imperial city of Smolensk, Russia. The evil monster of Katyń Massacre just claimed new Polish victims.
Let's pray for their souls.
a partial list:
Lech Kaczyński
Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Maria Kaczyńska
Maria Kaczyńska
Małżonka Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
b. Prezydent RP na UchodźstwieRyszard KACZOROWSKI
Krzysztof PUTRA
Wicemarszałek Sejmu RP
Wicemarszałek Sejmu RP
Wicemarszałek Senatu RP
Jerzy BAHR
Ambasador RP w Federacji Rosyjskiej
Władysław STASIAK
Szef Kancelarii Prezydenta RP
Aleksander SZCZYGŁO
Szef Biura Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego
Sekretarz Stanu, Zastępca Szefa Kancelarii Prezydenta RP
Sekretarz Stanu w Kancelarii Prezydenta RP
Podsekretarz Stanu w Kancelarii Prezydenta RP
Andrzej KREMER
Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych
Podsekretarz Stanu w MON
Tomasz MERTA
Podsekretarz Stanu w MKiDN
Gen. Franciszek GĄGOR
Szef Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego
Sekretarz ROPWiM
Prezes Stowarzyszenia „Wspólnota Polska”
Mariusz KAZANA
Dyrektor Protokołu Dyplomatycznego MSZ
Poseł na Sejm RP
Grzegorz DOLNIAK
Poseł na Sejm RP
Poseł na Sejm RP
Przemysław GOSIEWSKI
Poseł na Sejm RP
Poseł na Sejm RP
Poseł na Sejm RP
Poseł na Sejm RP
Aleksandra NATALLI – ŚWIAT
Poseł na Sejm RP
Arkadiusz RYBICKI
Poseł na Sejm RP
Poseł na Sejm RP
Wiesław WODA
Poseł na Sejm RP
Poseł na Sejm RP
Senator RP
Stanisław ZAJĄC
Senator RP
Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich
Prezes Narodowego Banku Polskiego
Prezes Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej
Kierownik Urzędu do Spraw Kombatantów i Osób Represjonowanych
Ks. Bp. gen. dyw. Tadeusz PŁOSKI Ordynariusz Polowy Wojska Polskiego
Abp gen. bryg. Miron CHodakowski Prawosławny Ordynariusz Wojska Polskiego
Ks. płk Adam PILCH
Ewangelickie Duszpasterstwo Polowe
Ks. ppłk Jan OSIŃSKI
Ordynariat Polowy Wojska Polskiego
Sekretarz Generalny Związku Sybiraków
Ks. prałat Bronisław GOSTOMSKI
Ks. Józef JONIEC
Prezes Stowarzyszenia Parafiada
Ks. Zdzisław KRÓL
Kapelan Warszawskiej Rodziny Katyńskiej 1987-2007
Ks. Andrzej KWAŚNIK
Kapelan Federacji Rodzin Katyńskich
Bożena ŁOJEK
Prezes Polskiej Fundacji Katyńskiej
Stefan MELAK
Prezes Komitetu Katyńskiego
Stanisław MIKKE
Wiceprzewodniczący ROPWiM
Prezes Federacji Rodzin Katyńskich
Wojciech SEWERYN
Fundacja „Golgota Wschodu”
Gabriela ZYCH
wnuczka (granddaughter) Gen. bryg. Mieczysława Smorawińskiego
Gen. broni Bronisław KWIATKOWSKI
Dowódca Operacyjny Sił Zbrojnych RP
Gen. broni pil. Andrzej BŁASIK
Dowódca Sił Powietrznych RP
Gen. dyw. Tadeusz BUK
Dowódca Wojsk Lądowych RP
Gen. dyw. Włodzimierz POTASIŃSKI Dowódca Wojsk Specjalnych RP
Wiceadmirał Andrzej KARWETA
Dowódca Marynarki Wojennej RP
Gen. bryg. Kazimierz GILARSKI
Dowódca Garnizonu Warszawa
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
today I am going to write mostly in my dear Polish language, for the subject matter - particular author and his fiction books - to my knowledge, has not moved outside the Polish language publications.
Basically, there is this very particular writer in the III Polish Republic who writes about Old Poland and his books are published and more importantly are bought by readers, a great accomplishment in rather weak Poland's book market. I am talking about Mr Jacek Komuda who is not my personal friend nor he is someone I have met before, although I assume it would have been a pleasure, for me at least.
His blog is here -
and some time ago upon reading one of his short stories I drew these three fellows, some very disreputable characters :)
Now the Polish language part of today's entry :
(bez polskich znakow)
To bedzie recenzja a moze raczej niby recenzja, bo wlasciwie to z Wasciami et Waszmosciankami chcialbym sie podzielic wrazeniami, pokrzepiwszy sie wprzody kapinka nalewki staropolskiej na miodzie a imbirze...
o ksiazce imci Jacka Komudy pt 'Samozwaniec'.
Multo volens
przeczytalem wlasnie opus pt 'Samozwaniec' imci Komudy - i powiem wydaje mi sie ta opowiesc najlepsza w tworczosci acana Komudy, furda tam! bez ogrodek powiem ze miejscami bardzo mi sie podbala ze czytanie jej zachecalo mnie do rysowania.
Jako ze nalezy byc patriota we wlasnym domu wiec pochwale sie ze w onym domu mam sporo powiesci z okresu Rzplitej Szlacheckiej, e.g. Korkozowic, Sienkiewicz, Krolikiewicz, Hen et tutti quandi, i pare lat ostatnich dodalem 3-4 ksiazki imci Jacka.
Otoz, imc Komuda jawi mi sie, parafrazujac terminologie autoramentu narodowego, pocztowym/czeladnikiem tego jakze trudnego rzemiosla jakim jest pisarstwo historyczne (ktore jest moim ulubionym jesli chodzi o literature piekna), ale niczym hufiec husarii polskiej lub kirasjerii rakuskiej podaza ku towarzystwu wyzej wymienionych jegomosciow, i w konsekwencji tego terminowania moze wkrotce stanie sie dowodca pocztu husarii czyli mistrzem (czego sobie i jemu zycze z calego serca). Mam nadzieje, a raczej nie trace nadzieji, ze nastepne czesci Samozwanca wlasnie okaza sie juz dzielami mistrza, owa wybuchowa mieszanka husarskiego przepychu i potegi z tatarskim tancem a kozackimi skokami, eliksirem na globalne ocieplenie, dochodacym w swej doskonalosci finezje odsady ogona rumaka rumelijskiego czy brzoskwiniowe chrapy rumaka adziamskiego, na czapke padyszacha tegoz chcialbym.
Co prawda mam niejakie wrazenie ze czytalem bylem jakby scenariusz do filmu bardziej nizli powiesc - tyle w tej knidze opisow i dywagacji co jest co, i do czego sluzy - dla tych ktorym ciezar zycia nie pozwala na czytanie ciezkich podrecznikow a prac historykow ze stajni Bellony czy Infrotu etc, to owi lekcewazacy sobie ciezary i zmagania umyslu pisane polszczyzna ciezsza nizli zad kobyly fryzyjskiej to u Komudy moga sobie to i owo przyswoic czytajac rozdzial za rozdzialem Samozwancowej przygody, zwlaszcza mlodz a pacholeta, oczywiscie dojrzalych mezow a neiwiasty w wieku mosci Zagloby tez zapraszam do czytania.
Jackowy bohatyr nie moze sie zdecydowac czy rzeczywiscie skoczyl byl Akademie Rakowska pod panowaniem krola Zygmunta czy tez gimnazjum w Lancucie pare lat temu nazad ( caveat, bron mnie Boziu zebym mial coskolwiek przeciwko pieknemu grodowi lancuckiemu czy temtejszym gminazjom) ale jakos ten bohater jest jeszcze malo przekonywaujacy, cos mi pasuje do jednego z acanow ktorzy odtwarzaja dzisiaj bitwy Trzech Monarchow w Gniewie nizli z kosci a sciegien mlodzienca z poczatku XVII wieku. Ale moze sie czepiam, bo z drugiej strony wszystkie Moskwiciny w ksiazce sa grube, sprosne i podstepne, nie mowiac o tem ze lase sa na cnote dziewuszek malych niczym ... przekleci przez Boga ksieza a sprosni rabini na chlopaczkow w 'US of A'.
Z innej strony ciekawy jest ten konflikt rodzinno-majatkowy u bohatera, ten konflikt prawie na arkan wziety z Wladyslawa Łozinskiego opowiesci..
W sumie to na tych chyba cos 500 stronnicach nie dzieje sie wiele, mozna by rzec ze akcja nie plynie wartko jak San wiosna, ale bardziej jak Bzura pod moim kochanym Lowiczem, czy pod Pilica pod Rzeczyca. ale jak wiadomo rumaki a jezdzcow nalezy sposobic do gonitw a jezd skokiem czy czwalem wiec mam nadzieje ze to sie poprawi w tomach nastepnych. Tylko zeby w nastepnych tomach sie nie pokazalo ze akcja 'Lalki' byla bardziej wartka nizli zabawy szlachtnych polskich mlodziencow pod komenda Samozwanca w opowiesci Jackowej, ojala!.
Inna jest tez prawda ze dosc gesto i ciezko leca slowa grube a sprosne, ale widac nasz acan Komuda ma takowy styl a moze raczej sposb na przykucie uwagi lub rozproszenie uwagi czytelniak bo troszke jakby tymi grubianstwami zaslania swoje niezgrabnosci pisarskie czy dziury w opowiesci.
A propos konia polskiego i jego prowenencji to sie nie zgadzam ani w jote z tezami gloszonymi przez imci Komude, ale to juz insza inszosc, wymagajaca napisania przynajmniej eseju na temat konia polskiego.
Mimo wszystko, mocium pani et panie, to jednak polecam te ksiazeczuszke tym ktorzy sa spragnieni czytania czegos to coraz nowego z tematyki wojen i zycia w Rzplitej Obojga Narodow. I choc nie jest to nowoczesny Tatar Polski Sienkiewicz, to cos mnie za glowe trzymalo kiedym ksiazke te w lapy moje wzial, trzymalo az do konca przeczytalem, i raczej sie nie nudzilem w tych objeciach.. ani mnie nie lapala chec wyplazowania autora za pisanie nonsensu, cos ie czesto w powiesciach tzw historycznych przytrafia - vide rozni psiarze anglojezyczni jak Ben Kane w powiesci 'Forgotten Legion' etc.
Tak wiec kopije ( a moze raczej dzide jak na jazde kozacka przystalo) w pol ucha tej klaczki wascinej hi, hi, hi, a skokiem na Moskala wraz z Dymitrem I ... w nastepnych tomach, Rus wielka, a Moskwa jeszcze wieksza, musi byc wiecej przygod, panie Jacku
Ot et finis, Pani Trzpiotko et Panie Kochanku, ot co...
pozdrawiam z goracej 'Republic of Brooklyn'
znalazlem na necie recenzje najnowszej ksiazki, pt Banita, imci Komudy - niestety nie jest zachecajaca :(,1,8237,Banita_recenzja_ksiazki,artykul.html
Trzeba przyznac ze generalnie dziela autora wywoluja bardzo mieszane i czesto nieprzychylne emocje u wielu milosnikow historii et kultury Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodow. Ale to jak zawsze jest ze slynnej rzymskiej maksymy - de gustiubs non disputandum est
today I am going to write mostly in my dear Polish language, for the subject matter - particular author and his fiction books - to my knowledge, has not moved outside the Polish language publications.
Basically, there is this very particular writer in the III Polish Republic who writes about Old Poland and his books are published and more importantly are bought by readers, a great accomplishment in rather weak Poland's book market. I am talking about Mr Jacek Komuda who is not my personal friend nor he is someone I have met before, although I assume it would have been a pleasure, for me at least.
His blog is here -
and some time ago upon reading one of his short stories I drew these three fellows, some very disreputable characters :)
Now the Polish language part of today's entry :
(bez polskich znakow)
To bedzie recenzja a moze raczej niby recenzja, bo wlasciwie to z Wasciami et Waszmosciankami chcialbym sie podzielic wrazeniami, pokrzepiwszy sie wprzody kapinka nalewki staropolskiej na miodzie a imbirze...
Multo volens
Jako ze nalezy byc patriota we wlasnym domu wiec pochwale sie ze w onym domu mam sporo powiesci z okresu Rzplitej Szlacheckiej, e.g. Korkozowic, Sienkiewicz, Krolikiewicz, Hen et tutti quandi, i pare lat ostatnich dodalem 3-4 ksiazki imci Jacka.
Otoz, imc Komuda jawi mi sie, parafrazujac terminologie autoramentu narodowego, pocztowym/czeladnikiem tego jakze trudnego rzemiosla jakim jest pisarstwo historyczne (ktore jest moim ulubionym jesli chodzi o literature piekna), ale niczym hufiec husarii polskiej lub kirasjerii rakuskiej podaza ku towarzystwu wyzej wymienionych jegomosciow, i w konsekwencji tego terminowania moze wkrotce stanie sie dowodca pocztu husarii czyli mistrzem (czego sobie i jemu zycze z calego serca). Mam nadzieje, a raczej nie trace nadzieji, ze nastepne czesci Samozwanca wlasnie okaza sie juz dzielami mistrza, owa wybuchowa mieszanka husarskiego przepychu i potegi z tatarskim tancem a kozackimi skokami, eliksirem na globalne ocieplenie, dochodacym w swej doskonalosci finezje odsady ogona rumaka rumelijskiego czy brzoskwiniowe chrapy rumaka adziamskiego, na czapke padyszacha tegoz chcialbym.
Co prawda mam niejakie wrazenie ze czytalem bylem jakby scenariusz do filmu bardziej nizli powiesc - tyle w tej knidze opisow i dywagacji co jest co, i do czego sluzy - dla tych ktorym ciezar zycia nie pozwala na czytanie ciezkich podrecznikow a prac historykow ze stajni Bellony czy Infrotu etc, to owi lekcewazacy sobie ciezary i zmagania umyslu pisane polszczyzna ciezsza nizli zad kobyly fryzyjskiej to u Komudy moga sobie to i owo przyswoic czytajac rozdzial za rozdzialem Samozwancowej przygody, zwlaszcza mlodz a pacholeta, oczywiscie dojrzalych mezow a neiwiasty w wieku mosci Zagloby tez zapraszam do czytania.
Jackowy bohatyr nie moze sie zdecydowac czy rzeczywiscie skoczyl byl Akademie Rakowska pod panowaniem krola Zygmunta czy tez gimnazjum w Lancucie pare lat temu nazad ( caveat, bron mnie Boziu zebym mial coskolwiek przeciwko pieknemu grodowi lancuckiemu czy temtejszym gminazjom) ale jakos ten bohater jest jeszcze malo przekonywaujacy, cos mi pasuje do jednego z acanow ktorzy odtwarzaja dzisiaj bitwy Trzech Monarchow w Gniewie nizli z kosci a sciegien mlodzienca z poczatku XVII wieku. Ale moze sie czepiam, bo z drugiej strony wszystkie Moskwiciny w ksiazce sa grube, sprosne i podstepne, nie mowiac o tem ze lase sa na cnote dziewuszek malych niczym ... przekleci przez Boga ksieza a sprosni rabini na chlopaczkow w 'US of A'.
Z innej strony ciekawy jest ten konflikt rodzinno-majatkowy u bohatera, ten konflikt prawie na arkan wziety z Wladyslawa Łozinskiego opowiesci..
W sumie to na tych chyba cos 500 stronnicach nie dzieje sie wiele, mozna by rzec ze akcja nie plynie wartko jak San wiosna, ale bardziej jak Bzura pod moim kochanym Lowiczem, czy pod Pilica pod Rzeczyca. ale jak wiadomo rumaki a jezdzcow nalezy sposobic do gonitw a jezd skokiem czy czwalem wiec mam nadzieje ze to sie poprawi w tomach nastepnych. Tylko zeby w nastepnych tomach sie nie pokazalo ze akcja 'Lalki' byla bardziej wartka nizli zabawy szlachtnych polskich mlodziencow pod komenda Samozwanca w opowiesci Jackowej, ojala!.
Inna jest tez prawda ze dosc gesto i ciezko leca slowa grube a sprosne, ale widac nasz acan Komuda ma takowy styl a moze raczej sposb na przykucie uwagi lub rozproszenie uwagi czytelniak bo troszke jakby tymi grubianstwami zaslania swoje niezgrabnosci pisarskie czy dziury w opowiesci.
A propos konia polskiego i jego prowenencji to sie nie zgadzam ani w jote z tezami gloszonymi przez imci Komude, ale to juz insza inszosc, wymagajaca napisania przynajmniej eseju na temat konia polskiego.
Mimo wszystko, mocium pani et panie, to jednak polecam te ksiazeczuszke tym ktorzy sa spragnieni czytania czegos to coraz nowego z tematyki wojen i zycia w Rzplitej Obojga Narodow. I choc nie jest to nowoczesny Tatar Polski Sienkiewicz, to cos mnie za glowe trzymalo kiedym ksiazke te w lapy moje wzial, trzymalo az do konca przeczytalem, i raczej sie nie nudzilem w tych objeciach.. ani mnie nie lapala chec wyplazowania autora za pisanie nonsensu, cos ie czesto w powiesciach tzw historycznych przytrafia - vide rozni psiarze anglojezyczni jak Ben Kane w powiesci 'Forgotten Legion' etc.
Tak wiec kopije ( a moze raczej dzide jak na jazde kozacka przystalo) w pol ucha tej klaczki wascinej hi, hi, hi, a skokiem na Moskala wraz z Dymitrem I ... w nastepnych tomach, Rus wielka, a Moskwa jeszcze wieksza, musi byc wiecej przygod, panie Jacku
Ot et finis, Pani Trzpiotko et Panie Kochanku, ot co...
pozdrawiam z goracej 'Republic of Brooklyn'
znalazlem na necie recenzje najnowszej ksiazki, pt Banita, imci Komudy - niestety nie jest zachecajaca :(,1,8237,Banita_recenzja_ksiazki,artykul.html
Trzeba przyznac ze generalnie dziela autora wywoluja bardzo mieszane i czesto nieprzychylne emocje u wielu milosnikow historii et kultury Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodow. Ale to jak zawsze jest ze slynnej rzymskiej maksymy - de gustiubs non disputandum est
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Szkice aka sketches continued
April in full bloom, North Brooklyn streets are full of summer fashions -love them dearly, so one of these days I will sit in one of many cafes here and draw my other favorite subject - foemina :)
Meantime, do enjoy some pen, watercolor and digital pen sketches. the first done on a page of my sketchbook worked over with GIMO Paint studio and MyPaint.
And would like to welcome my friend of many many years Henry aka Mishka :)
or here
and I do salute all my followers, some of them amazing artists in their own right, while others eg work on the Wikipedia, allowing us the full benefit of this user created great virtual encyclopedia.
pa ka
April in full bloom, North Brooklyn streets are full of summer fashions -love them dearly, so one of these days I will sit in one of many cafes here and draw my other favorite subject - foemina :)
Meantime, do enjoy some pen, watercolor and digital pen sketches. the first done on a page of my sketchbook worked over with GIMO Paint studio and MyPaint.
And would like to welcome my friend of many many years Henry aka Mishka :)
or here
and I do salute all my followers, some of them amazing artists in their own right, while others eg work on the Wikipedia, allowing us the full benefit of this user created great virtual encyclopedia.
pa ka
Monday, April 5, 2010
Wielkanoc alias Easter ... for caballeros and ladies alike
one does not live by making pictures and reading books alone, so today a bit about food. We, Polish people, celebrate the most important Christian holiday of Easter with much feasting, proceeded with eggs 'writing' - Pisanki- to fulfill our more ancient and still alive pagan rituals of the beginning of life's new cycle. Pisanki as seen here are similar with Pysanka of Ukraine, Croatian Pisanice etc, i.e., basically a very Slavic pagan ancient custom.
Ad rem, food, and not just any food but holiday food, is important during Easter. This year my friend Valdi aka Waldemar asked me if i wanted to make some sausages with him. He had already cured and smoked a beautiful, village style or country style, 3 pound ham for us, so I readily accepted his generous offer. We made, well actually I just helped with filling the natural intestine casing, some 15 pounds of good Polish 'white' (uncured) kielbasa (sausage). After cooking this sausage I made zur, a delicious sour soup that goes so well with sausage and vodka :) .Then I went to my other friend Ewcia who had made pork-liver-beef Pâté, by the tradition of the XVII century the most common Polish holiday food, always present on the nobility tables. I made some cheese out of kefir and adding 'kiszone ogórki' , organic carrots and organic white cabbage, and plenty of organic boiled eggs I achieved more traditional set of foodstuffs than ever before, closer to the tables of winged hussars and all 'szlachta.' Thanks to Waldi and Ewcia, and my wife and son of course.
one does not live by making pictures and reading books alone, so today a bit about food. We, Polish people, celebrate the most important Christian holiday of Easter with much feasting, proceeded with eggs 'writing' - Pisanki- to fulfill our more ancient and still alive pagan rituals of the beginning of life's new cycle. Pisanki as seen here are similar with Pysanka of Ukraine, Croatian Pisanice etc, i.e., basically a very Slavic pagan ancient custom.
Ad rem, food, and not just any food but holiday food, is important during Easter. This year my friend Valdi aka Waldemar asked me if i wanted to make some sausages with him. He had already cured and smoked a beautiful, village style or country style, 3 pound ham for us, so I readily accepted his generous offer. We made, well actually I just helped with filling the natural intestine casing, some 15 pounds of good Polish 'white' (uncured) kielbasa (sausage). After cooking this sausage I made zur, a delicious sour soup that goes so well with sausage and vodka :) .Then I went to my other friend Ewcia who had made pork-liver-beef Pâté, by the tradition of the XVII century the most common Polish holiday food, always present on the nobility tables. I made some cheese out of kefir and adding 'kiszone ogórki' , organic carrots and organic white cabbage, and plenty of organic boiled eggs I achieved more traditional set of foodstuffs than ever before, closer to the tables of winged hussars and all 'szlachta.' Thanks to Waldi and Ewcia, and my wife and son of course.
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