Saturday, September 14, 2024

Vaclav, Wenceslaus, Hollar - equestrian portraits

 Salvete Omnres,

there was this Czech or Bohemian artist Vaclav Hollar, who left Czech Crown(under the Austrian Hapsburg rule) in the 1630s and eventually became a English Crown subject, practicing his art and skills in London, where he passed away in 1677AD.
He created many very interesting prints, including these equestrianp ortraits of the leaders of the era - 30 Years War and English Civil War.



and  a bit fantastic image of a Chinese personage - governor of Canton .

and in the Americana collection, he did this engraving of an American Virginian  (Algonquian) indigenous warrior  (Powhatan?) - done in 1645D


Friday, September 13, 2024

J.G. Pforr - Falconry & hare hunt

 Salvete Omnes, 

a nice Johann Georg Pforr's painting - oil painted on walnut board.

very Wouwerman like

Falconry in action, however the costumes seem odd for 1780s in Central Europe.


Roman nosed head of this grey, and interesting saddle, non-English I presume

a very popular docking of the tail - 

. and two hunting falcons painted around the period or slightly alter

Icelandic gyrfalcon

a Falcon by Landseer



Thursday, September 12, 2024

Johannes Stradanus aka jan van der Straet - drawings of horses

 Salvete Omnes,

some years ago I posted some prints of horses  so called 'Equile Ioannis austriaci' based on Johannes Stradanus (Jan van der Straet) from XVI century.

today I can post some horse drawings by the very Johannes (Jan).


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Shenanigans in Kaunas War Museum, Lithuania

 Salvete Omnes,
I have been defrauded by Paypal (more than 1000 dollars), Russian publisher and some Polish writer. But this is old, now something new. 

on Monday I found out through Facebook page of this gentleman  - Aliaksei Lastouski - that the Vytauto Didziojo Karo Miziejus( Vitatuas War Museum) in Kaunas, Republic of Lithuanian, used my own drawing for their exhibit without any consent nor permission from me. 

Note that the exhibit was created with the cooperation with the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum of Lviv, Ukraine. And Radoslaw Sikora's splendid book on the winged hussars was published in Ukraine in 2019AD . In that book my drawing, along with others,. was published on page 156 of that Ukrainian edition .

But hardly a hilarious aspect of this fact is that they did not ask me for any permission to use my drawing in this displays prior to setting up this display within their exhibit - they not only used my drawing but also manipulated it and after manipulation enlarged it to monstrous size, that was never intended by me to be made this large - due to limitation of the technique used. I am not flattered nor please. I am wronged. 

I am providing a link to the exhibit and  attaching the photo by Aliaskei Lastouski on the privilege & purpose of citation - 

I wonder what they - the Museum - gonna offer as an excuse, justification and whether they provide me with any compensation here.
I wonder how they got a copy of my artwork ? 

c'est la vie nowadays I guess

ps today is 911  - 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Esaias van de Velde - horse-related drawings etc

 Salvete Omnes,

a little jump in time to 1600-20s, horse-related drawings by a Dutch maestro Esaias van de Velde (1587-1630). - early XVII century cavalry, wagons, horse transport etc


horse soldiers


horse market


Thursday, September 5, 2024

J.G. Pforr - peasant and draft horses

 Salvete Omnes,

back to Pforr's fabulous drawings and paintings of  horses - 

there is lots of realism in this picture - these working horses have rope and collar burns and other work-related injuries



and some closeups & details 

clearly visible withers -neck injury from collar 

all these plates are gouaches, inks and watercolor 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Caravan 1839- Friedrich Adolph Wislizenus

 Salvete Omnes,

Archive World Library has a  number of works on or about dr Friedrich Adolph Wislizenus. German-American medical doctor, somewhat a revolutionary, American diplomat and traveler, who in 1839 made a journey along the Rocky Mountain Fur Company caravan to the Rocky Mountains. 

The journey produced a journal or sketches in German, published in 1840 in St. Louis,  that was published in English by the Missouri Historical Society in 1912.

I would like to point your attention to the chapter on the caravan or the daily activities of this outfit going west from Sapling grove, 80 miles from West Port, a border village not far from Chouteau's Landing in Missouri in April 1839. 

The caravan, led by  mountain man Harris,  included 27 persons, including two women, wives to two missionaries, the 3rd missionary was single. They had 4 two-wheeled carts drawn by two mules. 

saddlin' the pack saddle on the mule

We learn that first they let the animals graze - to prevent them from straying far they hobbled them (details on page 30), each animal drag a long rope of buffalo leather - a trail-rope.


at night the horses and mules were fastened to stakes (pickets)  by their trail-ropes.

the caravan moved with the leader with his company carts in front, the line behind him with riders and pack animals

this way the caravan covered 20 to 25 miles daily across the western prairies...

