Saturday, September 14, 2024

Vaclav, Wenceslaus, Hollar - equestrian portraits

 Salvete Omnres,

there was this Czech or Bohemian artist Vaclav Hollar, who left Czech Crown(under the Austrian Hapsburg rule) in the 1630s and eventually became a English Crown subject, practicing his art and skills in London, where he passed away in 1677AD.
He created many very interesting prints, including these equestrianp ortraits of the leaders of the era - 30 Years War and English Civil War.



and  a bit fantastic image of a Chinese personage - governor of Canton .

and in the Americana collection, he did this engraving of an American Virginian  (Algonquian) indigenous warrior  (Powhatan?) - done in 1645D


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