Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sketching horses - ball pen, MyPaint & Gimp

I have been playing with these images, that originated as ball pen drawings, and now enhanced with Mypaint and GIMP...


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I came into possession of a Soviet era book titled - Snaryazhenie Vsadnika I Verkhovogo Konya na Ruis, IX-XIIIbb ( Riders' and horse gear in Ruthenia, 9-13th centuries, 1973), so hope to offer more insight into the Kievan Rus/Ruthenia riders (I also obtained two more archaeological reports from the 1970s on Rus/Ruthenian arms and armor of the same era) and their horse gear sometime later this winter - hopefully more than what dr Nicolle wrote in his Osprey book , Armies of Medieval Russia [sic!] 750-1250,  Oxford 1999.

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