Monday, April 18, 2011

Horsemanship pro is back

just wanted to share with you the news that my most favorite horsemanship site (acidic language, irony and satire at times with huge amount of first-hand knowledge)  is back on line - Ludvik K. Stanek and his writings on ridding, on history of horsemanship, aids, historic and modern dressage and  saddles and many more

Interesting art news - the epic Shahnameh depicted in a  portfolio from XVI century Iran  was sold at Sotheby for a record sum, and here you can see one of the pages - shah Tahmasp's Safavid period costumes, weapons , horse-tack and fabulous argamaks -
be back with usual historical blog later on this month, after Easter or so - please stay put, thanks
I finally bought a horse bow - Korean Samick SKB 55 pounds and we have been shopping for a horse or two - amongst other worthy mounts and potential future equine companions we saw a 14 hands pregnant Kiger mustang mare (with a Paint stalion offspring) - what a conformation on that horse, Dios mio.. Anyway, I guess I  am on my way to do some horsearchery this summer, first time since I left Poland :)
very interesting site for breeders -


Unknown said...

Here we are. 8 years later. I m looking for Ludvik's articles for over 2 years now. His site is down and I can't find anything apart from

I am kicking myself for not having the insight to print them at the time I stumbled upon his website, some 7 years ago.

Now here I am, comenting on a 8 year old post, thinking I might get a response ;

Dario T. W. said...

I think I may have some - write to me and perhaps I can help you