Saturday, March 8, 2025

Western Story Magazine - Western Lore as pulp fiction

 Salvete Omnes,

   A short entry and a bit  off topic -  namely, Western Story Magazine or a pulp fiction periodical publication.

I have discovered there is a sizable number of issues available on Archive -

I selected this issue from March 2, 1940 as it contains a full size novel - Guns of the Buckskin Empire by Harry F.  Olmstead.

and some illustrations by Nick Eggenhofer to sweeten this short posting - many American Illustrators drew and painted for the pulp magazines.

and more covers from different issues 



today is Women's Day - happy day to all the ladies.
But do remember that the holiday officially  started in the Soviet Union, as the Communist Feminists destroy the family Day in that country circa 1921, during the Communist International.. The rest is history. 

1 comment:

Dario T. W. said... you can borrow a book on Nick Eggenhofer