Monday, July 22, 2024

German horses of Friesland & Holstein - J.G. Pforr

 Salvete Omnes,

a cavesson on this stallion

 German horses were considered by many cavalrymen of the XVIII century as the most useful - eg in his famous work, Mes Reveries ,  one of the most skilled commanders of the era Mareshal de Saxe mentioned German horse in his military experience during the Polish campaigning.

a curb-bit and two-rein military bridle, Roman nose profile

Johann Georg Pforr drew just that - two powerful German horse (German as the entire territory of the Holy Roman Empire), one from Friesland and one from Holstein.


since the English of the era had a very weak cavalry and were oriented in breeding racing horse, a hunter and draft one

.German horses, bred with Spanish, Turkish, Barbs & Neapolitans were used in dressage, eg Cavendish talks about them in his famous equestrian work.

But from the military point of view we have more precise remarks  about thee horse written by general de Warnery - who said, that 
'[...]In a course of 600 paces, a good German horse, in condition, will gt before a Polish, Tatar, or other horse of that description: but if the course is continued  to a greater distance, the latter will regain its ground, leave the other behind, and continue in wind for a much longer time: and should the heavy horse be forced a little beyond his wind, he becomes insensible to the bit and spur, and loses all his activity, which is the reason that cuirassiers are never employed on any other occasion  than a regular battle[..]. 

to be continued .. 


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