Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Custer - My Life on the Plains I & sculpture in Monroe, Michigan


Elizabeth Bacon Custer and George A. Custer 

on Archive - the world library - you can get many books on and about the US army on the Plains and Plains horse people.
Many of the participants of the westward expansion of the American empire wrote their recollections and memoirs, George Armstrong Custer and his wife Elisabeth 'Libby' Bacon Custer were such writers as well, they wrote books about their experiences on the plains during his service and her adventures along with her husband during the period of 1866-76.
One of them is his memoir of sorts titled My Life on the Plains (published in 1874 originally) a veritable cornucopia of information on the Plains, the nature and warfare during the period.
I am planning to  use  some of Custer's observations and experiences in my future posts, as the material is rich and not always prejudiced against the Plains horse people general Custer and US Army were fighting against during this period.

general Custer as the most dashing Civil War hero

In Monroe, Michigan - Custer grew up in Monroe -  there is this monumental sculpture to the  boy general. Unveiled in 1910 by president Taft is stands witness to the bygone era of American culture and history. 

Meantime, you can also listen to the audiobook version of his book


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