Sunday, August 11, 2024

Stalking horse & fowling piece ca 1674AD

 Salvete Omnes,

today is Sunday, and perhaps a good day to bring your attention to hunting, especially hunting birds with a fowling piece and a horse.
In this book ''The gentleman's recreation in four parts' 1674 ''- 

inside we can find several pages devoted to a subject of a fowling gun and a stalking horse.

the  book on horsemanship - Georgii Simonis Winterii Bellerophon - I linked on my blog has three plates showing  training a stalking horse for such hunts.

In our part of the European woods,i.e., Central and Eastern Europe of the XVII century,  there was a town, then a Duchy of Cieszyn/Tesin, part of the Bohemian Crown, known as Cieszyn/Tesin on the river Olza, where gun smiths had been producing amazingly beautiful fowling pieces since the XVI century. 

I wrote about one of these Cieszynka Tscheshinke/Teschinke guns  - the gun of our king Sigismund III - one with the winged hussars on its sides. 

Fowling pieces in America, fowlers and first guns made in English America - a pdf.


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