Sunday, April 2, 2023

Paso Fino and other criollos of Puerto Rico

 Salvete Omnes,


a short entry as this month is so young and promising us warm Spring and invigorating sun.
ad rem,


a team of scientists analyzed  genetic data related to the Paso Fino horses, especially in their relationship to the Puerto Rican horses, and come up  with their results in this article

I mean the results are not really dramatic since in 1508AD Ponce de Leon and his conquistadores permanently settled the island of Puerto Rico (Borinken) and immediately started breeding horses brought from Europe and those already born in the Spanish-occupied Caribbean islands. Horses from these islands and a little later from Panama and Venezuela participated in the conquest of the Americas and provided bloodlines to the breeding herds of the Spanish, Portuguese and later other European colonists

and a lady on horseback - XVIII century painting by Jose Campeche, native of San Juan, Puerto Rico, himself a disciple of a Spanish painter Louis Paret y Alcazar, banished to Puerto Rico by the king.



1 comment:

Dario T. W. said...