Thursday, March 20, 2025

Dequitem - mounted lance vs pedestrian knight video

 Salvete Omnes,

a short entry - modern jousting & armored knight reenactment.

about a month aga two European knightly reenactors Messers Arne Koets and Dequitem presented two video recordings on the subject of a Knight Duel in plate armor, a sort of experimental archaeology

1. How does it feel to get hit by a lance as men at arms on foot? - link.

2.The Knight Duel | realistic, non-choreographed medieval combat - link.

attached a a few screen shots from both video recordings - enjoy


1 comment:

Dario T. W. said...

on this joust and tournament subject among the reencators, we may visit another channel where the reenactor and jouster describes his adventures while engaged in modern jousting