Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wilhelm Peter Zimmermann - running at the ring - illustration circa 1613AD

 Salvete Omnes,

a little canter into the early XVII century Hapsburg realms - back in 2023 I discussed the topic of these prints when talking about the quintain. You can read the details of this wedding and personages present & depicted in my post.
The art of Wilhelm Peter Zimmermann was the author of these images, a rather prolific artist who documented events and wars  of this period.

Gottinger Digital Library contains this volumeBeschreibung und kurtze Radierte entwerffung der Füsrtlichen Hochzeit/ So Der Durchleuchtig/ und Hochgeborn Fürst und Herr/ Herr Wolffgang Wilhelm/ Pfalzgraff bey Rhein/ Hertzog in Bayrn... Mit.. Fürstin Fraw Magdalena/ Pfalzgräfin bey Rhein/ Hertzogin in Obern und Nidern Bayrn. Zu München/ im sechszehenhunfert und dreyzehenden Jahr/ den zwölfften Novembris Celebriert und gehalten (Wilhelm Peter Zimmermann, Augsburg, 1614).

When a princely wedding gave occasion to the displays of equestrian, chivalry,  of horsemanship and lance skills in this German state on the eve of the Thirty Years War (1618-148). 



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