Thursday, July 25, 2024

Fiaschi - maneggi, posata & repolone via Tomassini

 Salvete Omnes,

a little entry from the archive of the history of horsemanship and some modern research into the history of equitation

Archive World Library contains thousands of old books - eg Trattato dellimbrigliare, maneggiare, et ferrare cavalli: diviso in tre parti, con alcuni discorsi sopra la natura di cavalli, con disegni di briglie, maneggi, & di cavalieri a cavallo, & de ferri d'esso.
which is a very nice copy of the famous equitation treatise by Cesare Fiaschi, a gentleman of Ferrara, Italy (a town where the famous Palio took place), born in 1523 when d'Este princes ruled Ferrara and fought their enemies with fire and artillery mostly,  and where he died after 1570AD, when the arts of horsemanship and their studies took over Italian peninsula and eventually the aristocratic Europe.

Some time in the first half of the XVI century  the  Este's Ferrara saw opening of a riding academy.

Perhaps there messer Cesare Fiaschi became a riding master or ecuyer  of the academy in Ferrara, and 5 years after famous Frederico Grisone's treatise on horsemanship, Cesare published his famous work on horse training in 1556AD.

Modern Italian ecuyer, researcher  author, and RAI journalist, Giovani Batista Tomassini has been researching the art of horsemanship, including the life and works of signore Fiaschi. - note I posted about Giovanni Batista Tomassini's articles and research in the past. 
This is messer Tomassini's work on Fiaschi's life - new and proven information - it is a veritable trove of information about Cesare, his family history, and his trials and tribulations, including a trial for heresy in 1560s.

But I would like to turn your attention to another two articles on Fiaschi and and works by signore Tomassini - Maneggi and Jumps - part 1 & part 2

here I will 'quote' one of the most interesting passages from the part 1 - site or from Academia

The second part discusses not only Fiaschi, but also Claudio Corte and Grisone, all most famous and influential ecuyers of the era.

and some of the morsico bits form signore Friaschi


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