Friday, November 11, 2011

Polish Indepenence Day 1918-2011

on November 11 we, Polish people, celebrate the Independence Day as on November 11, 1918 Polish state became anew, absent from the map of Europe since 1795.
Well, I usually stay away from XIX and XX century subjects, but this day is a special day. I would like to celebrate this important day with photos of 1914-1930s cavalrymen, uhlans mostly, their horses, and links to songs and videos. My own great grandfather Jan  took part in the Polish-Soviet War, that we won in 1921.
Also, today is Veterans Day in the US (commemorating the Novemenr 11, 1918 armistice  ending War World I), and I also want to salute these men and women to their service for the Homeland.

Let me start with one of the principal architects of our Polish modern independence - Józef Piłsudski and his famous chestnut mare  Kasztanka

 Belina and his Beliniacy - from Pilsudski Legiony

And a song about uhlans Hej, hej ulani, malowane dzieci

another song Hej panienki posluchajcie
śluby Ułańskie  - ''Uhlan Promises'' - Polish 1934 film about uhlans and their espirit de corps, amongst some others aspect of their colorful life...


 another song Przybyli ulani pod okienko  ...

... Uhlans who fought at battle of Komarów, the last big cavalry battle of Europe

... Number of songs in one video

... And I have got to add our special  zurawiejki, short 'songlets' or couplets about each cavalry regiment - here all are sung by modern singers, some very humorous


 And another song - Wojenko, wojenko ...


 Enwer Bay - Polish bred Arabian stallion (1923) in 1938 photo


Today's Independence Day march of historic reenactors in Warsaw, from various periods - from the Napoleonic period to War World II

Let us finish with a song O moj Rozmarynie rozwijaj sie ...

during the Communist Soviet Poland - 1945-90 - these brave men and their achievements during 1914-21 were  put down and disparaged, especially the cavalrymen were subject to ridicule eg the infamous film by the darling of the Communists  the director A. Wajda titled 'Lotna,' showing idiotic charges against Nazi German tanks in 1939 - by the way my own grandfather and 5 great uncles took part in the battle of Bzura and later in the defense of Warsaw '39.

Things change - tempus fugit - and this past year Polish director Hoffman made a feature movie about the battle of Warsaw 1920... where uhlans are shown as they were.

Ave, uhlans of Poland!


  1. Czołem Dario. Śliczne fotografie i piękne konie. Osobiście zabrakło jeszcze... tego ;-))
    Pozdrawiam Artur

  2. dziekuje, Arturze, :)
    ...i ta mozna dodac

  3. I ta - 'bywaj dziewcze zdrowe' -

    Nie zobaczysz Matko syna -
    'Jak szlo wojsko'-
