Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ottoman tamgas - mark of the Sultan armories

At McGill University Library, Montreal Quebec, they have this very interesting journal: Livrust Kammaren - Journal of the Royal Armoury. In the volume 17 from 1985 I found an interesting article on Eastern helmet - cicak or szyszak (shishak). I cannot read Swedish but I saw the photos, drawings etc,  and thus I copied some of the tamgas associated with the Istanbul/Constantinople Ottoman Sultan Armouries of the XVI-XVII centuries
I hope my picture speaks for itself

 and the  Ottoman armored kapikulu sipahi armor for horse and rider


  1. You got very good pictures. It is incredible how the Turkish fashion was similar to Polish Sarmatian style of helmets and armors. As you well know, the tamgas itself were at the basis of the oldest Polish coats of arms.

  2. Thanks for your comment, don Gustavo.

    Tamgas are truly very interesting, and our coats of arms seem to have long and Sarmatian-Turkish history. Sulimirski talked about that in this famous book 'The Sarmatians"

  3. Oh please, just call me Gustavo (without “don”), I’m not the bloody King of Spain!
