Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July, America & remembering Klushino 1610AD

 Salvete Omnes,

today is the 4th - Happy Forth to all


and today, but in 1610AD Polish Crown army under hetman Stanislaw Zolkiewski completely defeated Muscovite army commanded by Dmitry Shuisky and Jacob de la Gardie. Road to Moscow, the capital was opened, and the Poles took completely over the Russian capital in September 1610AD. 

or roughly 3000 Polish soldiers, mostly Polish winged hussar lancers, vs 18,0000 ( 3,300 Western European mercenaries and 15,000 Muscovite soldiers) tsar's army  plus 20-30,000 camp followers. (lots of nonsense in the Polish and English Wikipedia articles )

Web archive article in English about the battle - pdf form.


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