Monday, August 28, 2023

Summer is ending with .. Abraham van Calraet horses

 Salvete Omnes,

so our 2023 summer is ending - c'est la vie.
how are your horse things these days - I try going to the stables often, and enjoy the summer-sleek horses prancing in green meadows etc.

ad rem, a quick entry -
 I have been looking at some paintings by Abraham van Calraet -  a Dutch painter living during the Age of Opulence in Low Countries (always like that book by Simon Schama - The Embarrassment of Riches - some more detailed infor on the book here )

So these saddles are quite interesting - 

from the traditional large one -  look at that Paint 

 to a version, in leather most likely   - with nice -:)  grey horses 

to more peculiar saddles , some quite flat almost in the English saddle fashion - starting with this palomino steed 

these spotted horses - 

do enjoy these beautiful horses and their riders etc 


1 comment:

  1. Salvete omnes,
    my blog viewership just crossed 1,800 000 views last week and going towards 1,9 million - thanks a million or two, all good net travelers
