Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Palio di Siena - August 2022 race & 1988 documentary

Salvete Omnes,


another short entry this early morning - :)


Palio di Siena  - the famous 17 contrada(city neighborhoods) biannual  horse race of Siena, Tuscany, held from 1633 onward, but this city race tradition dates back to many centuries before, and most likely continuing the ancient Etruscan-Roman tradition of Ludus Troiae and other ancient Italian horsemanship traditions.

 I turn to to search for article on the famous race - eg Beyond Palio

There is a short article on the safety of horses in Palio - academia. According to the article only mix bred Anglo-Arabian Sardinian horses of specific conformation are allowed the entry.  On Research Gate there are articles too -  eg Palio di Siena: an advisory report on how to ensure horses and jockeys' welfare whilst continuing a dangerous tradition. In 2019 this article was published analyzing 72 years of  jockeys injuries during the Siena Palio. - Note that participants ride bareback. (another article about jockey's injuries in general horse racing and long term consequences )

you can watch this year famous city race via recorded video on YT - Gazzetta di Siena platform- Palio di Siena 17 agosto 2022

An American documentary made  1988AD (before  Woke, CRT and all those other  ideologies destroying our world) - Palio di Siena- a race about honor and tradition, rivalry and friendship, violence and conflict , and it is an excellent overview of the the tradition and race.
[there are many videos on Yt about Palio di Siena - you can explore with an easy click - :) - andiamo ]

all images are from Wiki Commons




  1. 2018 race, over an hour documentary

  2. Italian documentary

  3. five top race performances
