Monday, December 6, 2021

San Martin by Blasco de Granen (1422-1459)

 Salvete Omnes,

as you may recall, dear web traveler, I like to 'corral'  images of Saint  Martin of Tours, and I got this new Saint Martin for  today - the Feast of Saint Nicolas

from Iglesia de San Martin in a town of Las Penas de Riglos, Huesc, old Kingdom of Aragon,  comes a painting by an Aragonese painter Plasco de Granen (1422-1459).

Saint Martin astride a bay horse - 

some interesting details of bridle, saddle, bit, breastplate, crouper, cinch, stirrup and stirrup leathers, spurs, and horse shoes: 

Enjoy your Saint Nicolas Feast Day - :)


1 comment:

  1. ps

    I wish that instead of making 'umpth' series or movie on the narcs, cartels, Escobars or some other criminals story the platforms like Netflix or Amazon or HBO etc could make a series about the Conquest of 1519-21AD (be it anime or other manga like project, something in film). Perhaps they are too woke and /or PC - that they make unfunny productions way too often, like the new one about toxic masculinity in a 'Western'-the movie based on a book - the Power of the Dog, written and directed by a feminist whose men role lack any credibility, I am afraid.

    Nota bene Netflix is about to release, in 2 weeks, the 2nd series of Witcher, I hope it will be not worse than the first.
