Monday, November 11, 2019

Saint Martin Feast

Salvete Omnes,
 Today, on this Veterans Day and Polish Independence Day  we also have saint Martin of Tours Feast day.
In Poznań, one of the oldest cities of Poland  and also one of the early capitals of the Piast Kingdom of Poland, they celebrate the feast with the Saint Martin Feast Day Parade along the Swiety Marcin Street, eating cooked or baked goose and a very special pastry: Rogal świętomarciński (Saint Martin roll), and visiting museums and many churches, perhaps especially the Swiety Marcin Catholic Church in the center of Poznan.
Let us celebrate with some XV and early XVI century manuscript illuminations from Europe.

 from this Burgundian Breviary of Jean San Peur and Marguerite of Bavaria.
their  funerary effigies below

and from the Hours of Anne de Bretagne:

   The New York City-located Morgan Library has plenty of priceless manuscripts,   and in this XV century Hours of Catherine  de Cleves, showing beautifully painted illuminations painted  by an anonymous  scribe for the pious patron, you can see Saint Martin portrayed as a wealthy nobleman and knight of the times sharing his fabulous cloak with a beggar. You can study his horse tack by enlarging the page...


1 comment:

  1. Polish proverbs associated with Saint Martin -

    Marcin na białym koniu jedzie.
    Młoda jak jagoda po świętym Marcinie. (czyli stara)
    Na Świętego Marcina najlepsza gęsina.
    Na Świętego Marcina pij wino, wodę pozostaw młynom. (oryg. A la Saint Martin, bois ton vin, Et laisse l'eau pour le moulin. przysł. burgundzkie)
    Jeśli na Marcina sucho, to Gody (Boże Narodzenie) z pluchą.
    Gdy Marcinowa gęś po wodzie, Boże Narodzenie po lodzie.
    Od Świętego Marcina zima się zaczyna.
    Jaki Marcin taka zima.
    Bywa zawsze o Marcinie u nas ogień już w kominie.
    Gdy wschodni wiatr na Marcina, będzie ostra zima.
    Jak mglisto na Marcina, będzie lekka zima.
