Thursday, June 27, 2019


Salvete Omnes,
a quick post- new book cover

I digitally - using Krita, MyPaint and GIMP-  painted this illustration for the cover of a new book published by Infort Edition from Poland.
Titled 'OD BŁONIA DO TERESPOLA. Działania dywizji generała Karola Sierakowskiego w insurekcji kościuszkowskiej 1794' (,From Błonie to Terespol. Actions of the general Karol Sierakowski's division during the Kosciuszko Insurrection 1794'). Authored by Miron Kosowski, this work constitutes a part of the author's scheme to cover various important but less-known or studied battles of the Kosciuszko Insurrection. For example his previous work , on the Chełm battle, was reviewed here by dr. Maciej Trabski.

The cavalryman depicted here might have belonged to one of the numerous but lesser known cavalry regiments and companies that had been organized alongside the Polish regular army cavalry regiments during the Insurrection. The uniform and equipment are only conjectural and come from general depiction in the period sources. 
This lancer is using a simplified Old Polish military saddle, akin to the Hungarian saddle of the XVIII and XIX centuries, and a similar horse bridle with a curb-bit.
The book [in Polish] can be had here.


1 comment:

  1. interesting discovery in Israel -

    ''The article released in the science journal Nature, titled “Israeli Fossils Are the Oldest Modern Humans Ever Found Outside of Africa,” explains that the archaeological dig is situated just a few kilometers away from the Skhul cave, which has already produced modern-human remains dated at 80,000 to 120,000 years old.

    After considerable analysis by multiple methods and involving international teams, the jaw fragment was accepted to be that of an early modern human living around 177,000 to 194,000 years ago.

    “We called it ‘Searching for the Origins of the Earliest Modern Humans’; this was what we were looking for,” says Mina Weinstein-Evron, an archaeologist at the University of Haifa in Israel.

    This incredibly ancient human bone further erodes the recent “Out of Africa” model. Not only were early modern human populations living beyond Africa 120,000 years ago, but they had already colonized western Eurasia almost 200,000 years ago. This date from Israel is virtually contemporary with those of the oldest early modern human remains found in East Africa, at 160,000 to 195,000 years of age (the Omo and Herto Skulls).''
