Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pacem aeternam & condolences

joyous time in the Christian tradition is almost upon us, but many horrible events have been taking place around the world and there is to be no end to violence,  especially in the Middle East and Europe.

Paceam Aeternam to all victims and my deepest condolences to their families of the latest string of  terror acts - like this one yesterday.

Beautiful image from pre-1939 Poland,  via the Polish National Digital Archives - the main Saint Mary altar inside the Catholic Church for the Polish Army Infantry NCO  School at Komarów, near Ostrów Mazowiecka. 
Winged hussars are the most proper guardians for the Virgin Mary, as they could be for the Polish Republic's President.

 Hope your Christmas will be peaceful and full of joy and good time, but do not forget about the less fortunate, the fallen and their grieving families.

1 comment:

  1. http://wpolityce.pl/spoleczenstwo/320280-polski-kierowca-zastrzelony-przez-zamachowca-w-berlinie-to-37-letni-lukasz-z-roznowa-pozostawil-zone-i-nastoletniego-syna




