Saturday, September 12, 2015

Vienna 12.09.1683-2015


yet another anniversary, yes, I know, September is one of those months ...

well, damas y caballeros, today while reading about the anniversary of the famous battle of Vienna AD 1683 I realised that I had never done a post about it.
Hence,  in order to correct this injustice and to mend this sorrowful state of affairs I am adding a post - :)

I want to say one thing though, I believe that the victorious allied forces under our good king Jan III had the Fortuna's blessing that fine afternoon on the Danube plain. Ottoman Turks fought like lions and falcons, but on this day the Polish husaria and pancerni cavalry were like winged tigers and they bested the Turkish lions. 

Before the charge that decided the battle's outcome Jan Sobieski told his friends, warriors and soldiers about to charge the enemy:

'Ten sam nieprzyjaciel, któregoś my pobili pod Chocimiem, stoi przed nami. Jesteśmy wprawdzie w obcym kraju lecz nie walczymy dla obcej sprawy. Walczymy za nasz kraj i za chrześcijaństwo, nie dla cesarza, lecz dla Boga.'' (The very enemy  whom we vanquished at Khotyn stands before you. Admittedly we are in a foreign country however we are not fighting for a foreign cause. We are fighting for our country and for Christianity, not for the emperor, but for God.' )

After the battle Jan III stated in his letter to the Pope innocent IX - Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit.

(we came, we saw, God won) - I do like the above painting by Jan Matejko.

King Jan also said that [after this battle] the Turkish horses would be easily available in Poland. True enough, many beautiful and most valuable Turkish and Arabian horses were captured at the Turkish camp after this battle . 

soon I am hoping to write a little about Jan III Sobieski's uncle  Stanisław Daniłłowicz whose life was untimely lost in the struggle against the Tatars.


  1. "Sobieski wróć czeka Łódź" -
    12.09.2015 -demonstrations in Poland against the EU-imposed quotas of the illegal immigrants from Asia and Africa

  2. Arturo Perez-Reverte, my favorite Spanish writer,
    Es la guerra santa, idiotas
    XLSemanal - 01/9/2014

    Pinchos morunos y cerveza. A la sombra de la antigua muralla de Melilla, mi interlocutor -treinta años de cómplice amistad- se recuesta en la silla y sonríe, amargo. «No se dan cuenta, esos idiotas -dice-. Es una guerra, y estamos metidos en ella. Es la tercera guerra mundial, y no se dan cuenta». [...]

    Porque es la Yihad, idiotas. Es la guerra santa. [...] Porque -creo que lo escribí hace tiempo, aunque igual no fui yo- es contradictorio, peligroso, y hasta imposible, disfrutar de las ventajas de ser romano y al mismo tiempo aplaudir a los bárbaros.

  3. By the way - the the ancient Christians of Near East - no Western power is crying about their genocide and slavery

  4. we do not have free media outlets, if ever we had them, that are credible and honest as this news article shows - actually Reuters has been in forefront of this pro-illegal migrant propaganda war waged by EU and mass media...

  5. today, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic reimposed border controls due to the Völkerwanderung - even on the Polish border

  6. gdzie ci nazisci, oj gdzie :)

  7. Meantime, the present EU-centric Polish government, so pressured to take Syrian et al migrants by the Germans and EU, refuses to bring back to Poland Poles from the Donbas region where war has been waged for more than a year now
    Legia Warszawa- soccer club and fans will donate money to sponsor these comaptriots from Ukraine
