Saturday, June 6, 2015

Andrzej Nieuważny, Ph.D. - pacem aeternam

all of us, fans and apasionados of the Napoleonic period should say a prayer for the soul  of one of the modern giants of the Napoleonic Wars research.
Namely, Andrzej Nieuważny, Ph.D., died suddenly and all we can say - Pacem aeternam mosci Andrzeju!

I own several books by Dr Andrzej Nieuważny, including two albums of the Polish soldiers of the era.
also, we were members of several historical forums, including , where His knowledge and friendly spirit were appreciated and sought after. We were friends through Facebook...
Adios, professore ... you soul most welcome in the Napoleonic heavenly  paradise, I am sure...

My deepest condolences to the Family

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